Last friday, after school, and despite I was very tired, I went to "Once", a neighborhood in Bs. As. where there is a great variety of items like fabrics, pieces to make bijou, laces, ribbons clothes, toys, etc. and very good prices. It is important willig to walk!.
Finally I realized that I didn´t buy some things I HAD to, but get others that would wake creativity up. Is really funny to "let it be" and get some items that just inspire me to do something with them, even I still don´t know what.
La tela violeta pronto será un bolso.
Me enamoré de esa especie de camafeo!. Las piezas de vidrio blanco parecen pequeños bordados...
The violet fabric will be a bag.
I fell in love with that kind of cameo. The white pieces of glass seem little embroideries...
El modal lavanda es mas hermoso de lo que se puede ver en la foto. En el medio: una gabardina de un purpura brillante.
The lavender modal is more beautiful than can be seen in the photo. In the middle: a bright purple gabardine.
Estas preciosuras de piezas de madera resultaron ser "futuros aros". (No me había dado cuenta cuando los compré). Pero tendrán otro destino...
Me encanta el diseño de las mariposas! (que sorpresa, no?)
These cute wooden pieces turned out to be "future earrings " (I had´t realized when I bought them) . But they will have a different destiny...
I love the butterfly design! (what a surprise, isn´t it?)
Lo único que no fotografié fue un kilo de gasa sanitaria. Los paños son demasiado chicos para hacer chales de fieltro! (Tengo que estar mas atenta a las medidas!)
Al final, superar el cansancio valió la pena!
Pronto habrá nuevos proyectos...
A jugar!
The only thing that wasn´t photographied was a kilo of sanity gauze. They are too little to make felt shawls! (I need to pay more attention to measure ! )
In the end, overcoming tiredness was worth it!
New projects coming soon...
Let´s play!