miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Ahora tenemos un angelito cuidandonos desde el cielo...

Now we have a little angel taking care of us from  heaven... 

2 comentarios:

  1. Y ese angelito, estoy segura, los va a cuidar siempre siempre....

    Un beso grande Sil...

    Fuerza y mucha luz...

  2. Hola! Thanks so much for visiting my blog!  I'm happy we've connected!  To add the Free Spirit badge you first have to drag it off my blog onto your desktop.  Then, go into your blog under "design" and "add a new gadget".  Choose "picture", then upload the photo from your computer and the link.  Feel free to email me w/ any questions!


Hay enlunados que me contestan!
There are enlunados that answer me!