These last days were pretty difficult. So, I breath deeply and think to myself: I have to options: I send some people to make an ocular inspection of the evolution of Puyehue volcano.... (which has been erupting for a few days in southern Chile) or do something more inteligent and creative...
Y elegí la segunda opción...
And I chose the second option...
Endilgarles a otros la culpa sobre lo que sentimos es bastante cómodo e infantil. A veces no somos reponsables sobre las acciones de otras personas pero si somos responsables de los que pensamos y sentimos al respecto...
Blaming someone else for our feelings is pretty comfortable and childish...Some times we are not responsible of other people actions, but we do are responsible of what we think and feel about it.
Algunas acciones simples para hallar paz interior...
Some simple actions to find inner peace...
Contacto con la naturaleza...ésta es me pequeña huerta: calendulas, albahaca, acelga, perejil, lechuga, cebollas...
Contact with nature... this is my little garden: calendulas, basil, chard, parsley, lettuce, onions...
Recolectando algunas semillas de albahaca (es increíble el aroma que tienen!)
Collecting some basil seeds (it´s incredible the fragance they have!)
Pasando tiempo con Begi y Dalí...
Spending some time with Begi and Dali...
Cocinando para mi algo rico y saludable (prometo recetas pronto!)
Cooking some healthy and tasteful food just for myself (I promise some recipes soon)Este es un proyecto que mostraré pronto... solo una pista...
This is a project I´ll show you soon... just a clue...
Mas unos ejercicios de Qi Gong y de respiración (todavía no logro sacarme fotos a mi misma mientras los hago)
Plus some Qi gong ( a sort of eastern yoga) and breathing exercises... I still can´t manage to take myself photos while doing them!
Escribiendo un poco... disfrutando de tomar algo calentito en mi taza pintada a mano preferida...sahumerios...el sonido de buena música...el sonido del buen silencio...
Some writing... enjoying a cozy drink in my handpainted favourite cup... incience sticks... the sound of good music... the sound of good silence...
Mirar nuestro interior... realmente querer sentirse mejor... hacer todo lo posible para lograrlo... y sacar provecho de dos días de estar en casa con gripe! es increíble cuantas cosas se pueden hacer en dos días de no ir a trabajar!
Looking inside ourselves... really willing to feel better...doing everything we can to get it... and taking advantage of two days staying at home with flue!!! It´s incredible how many things we can do in just two days without going to work!!