Last sunday, I went to the moon festival that took place at the Chinese neigborhood, in Bs. As. It is also called the mid autumn festival because in north hemisphere they are in this season. On that day, the moon is brighter than ever, and I´m sure it is!!!!.
Durante la ceremonia, rezamos por la paz, diferentes religiones: un solo deseo. También rezamos por las victimas de las Torres Gemelas y por los maestros, ya que aquí, en Argentina era el "Día del maestro" (mi día!!!!)
During the ceremony, we prayed for peace, different religions: a single will. We also prayed for Twin Towers victims and tachers, because here, in Argentina, it was "teacher´s day" (my day!!!)
Una celebración ancestral, llena de aromas, sabores y color!
An ancestral celebration, full or fragrances, flavors and colors!
Tradicionales pasteles de la luna... Bon appetit!!! (no tengo la menor idea de como se dice buen provecho en chino!)
Traditional moon pies.... . Bon appetit!!! (I´ve no idea how to say that in chinese!)
Así que miren la luna, no importa si está llena o no, y pidan un deseo...
Buen finde!!!!
So, look at the moon, it doesn´t matter wether it is full or not... and make wish....
Have a nice weekend!!!
(Algunas de las fotos son de mi papá)
(Some of the picture´s are my dad´s)